World’s 1st Super Conscious Mind Cards Reading 

Life Navi and YOU super conscious mind cards reveal the inner voice and strengthen your Giant within.


World's 1st Super Conscious Mind Cards Reading


Reveal players' super conscious desires and understand their own inner messages in a storyline.


It is how players' find their strength, breakthrough, life purpose, joy and to serve mankind which helps to fast track to achieve personal desires and dreams.


A picture worth a thousand words


Brings out players' inner mind, higher-self or Giant within.


Life Navi And YOU visual system use the uniquely designed archetypal images

What Is Life Navi And You?

"World’s 1st Super Conscious Mind Cards Reading

Life Navi and YOU super conscious mind cards reveal the inner voice and strengthen your Giant within.

Commonly known and understood – A picture worth a thousand words. Life Navi And YOU visual system use the uniquely designed archetypal images to reveal players’ super conscious desires and understand their own inner messages in a storyline. The storyline is a series of constructive messages which help to overcome angst and dilemma and suggest ways to resolve it creatively. The whole process brings out players’ inner mind, higher-self or Giant within – this is the true power. It is how players’ find their strength, breakthrough, life purpose, joy and to serve mankind which helps to fast track to achieving personal desires and dreams.

We all know there is an inner voice in us and self-talk. The voice of truth is always trying to get us to listen. Our inner voice always speaks to us lovingly to lead us forward. Its sole purpose is to guide us to walk our own path, define our purpose and achieve our wildest dreams.

When we were a child, we were good at following our heart and listening to our inner voice, but as we grow, we conform to social conditioning and benchmark against the social standard. Feeling burned out and tired – we eventually fell into the rat race. We seek guidance from all sources, but little known to us that our own Giant within is the best rescuer to achieve excellence and abundance. Let Life Navi And YOU do the magic for you !"
Caryn Koay
Founder & Creator of Life Navi and You
"Life Navi And YOU uses archetypal symbols to help its users. We have heard of the expression “A picture worth a thousand words” and archetypal images worth even more.

We have a conscious and a subconscious part of our mind, most of the time the conscious part of our mind is easier to dealt with, because the message is always clear — you see a career opportunity, you want to make money and build a future around that career opportunity. Or you meet the person that made you fall in love, you want to be with them for the rest of your life.

Then, the subconscious part of your mind begins to throw hints at you to make you doubt yourself. Your fear, insecurity, prejudice, bias, deservedness issue slowly slip into your consciousness and you have come to a dilemma. When you use the Life Navi And YOU visual system, you allow your subconscious hopes and fears to be projected outward through the channel of its archetypal visual symbolism which helps you see your dilemma in multiple creative new angles.

In any environment, the system that has more options are the most flexible, and flexibility is the cornerstone of efficiency. And Life Navi And YOU provides its users the flexibility of Self-Perception so that you have a more holistic understanding of yourself."
Kong Keen Yung 江建勇 (江魔)
Author, NLP Trainer, Hypnotist and Persuasion Engineer
"Caryn Koay started creating Life Navi and YOU after she has attended my Mind and Money workshop which based on my Whole Mind Thinking and The Human Thinking System books. When the Inner Self or Giant mind is being activated, the mind can create and produce new information from inside-out via inspiration. Giant thinking system can be restored and activated via installation, communication and cultivation. Life Navi and YOU is composed of a set of cards with creative visual and words, which can communicate with the inner self or giant intuitively. It’s an illogical intangible process which gives creative and constructive and practical clues from the player’s inner world non-conscious thinking process. Life Navi And YOU helps players to discover who they are, what can they do with what they have and direction of their life purpose."
Dr. Peter Yee
Author of Whole Mind Thinking and The Human Thinking System books

Life Navi and YOU super conscious mind cards reveal your inner voice and strengthen your Giant within

"Our experiences help build our perceptions of our world. They form our intuition. Caryn’s “Life Navi And YOU” set of cards is about evoking our intuition through her imaginatively designed abstract card images. On the surface, they seem to defy science and logic. So too does Quantum Theory which contradicts common sense. The Quantum world is about probability and possibility whereas we perceive our world with a single reality outcome. Welcome to Life Navi world of intuition and probabilistic thinking!"
Dr. YKK (Yew Kam Keong)
Chief Mind Unzipper, Mindbloom Consulting

Inspiration from the Creator -
Caryn Koay​

I started this wild idea of solving my work-related challenges as a Real Estate Agent. I wanted to understand the hidden causes and solution to my daily tasks. I am always curious what the unknown wonders to the naked human eyes, where all logical statistics, parametric and efforts yield no results, hence I explored beyond……. That was how the journey began…….

My exploration leads me to further challenges beyond my imagination. Unexpectedly, my wild ways of problem-solving turn into the worst nightmare. From the wildest dream and silly ideas to day-to-day challenges having to manage real estate examinations, slowing down of property market, personal financial challenges and trying to meet social expectations; my conversation can no longer be understood and those who knew me can’t accept my voices. I burned and cried inside.

I then ran for solitude and explore the outer world. I found the other end – listening to my GIANT WITHIN. It was my toughest time. I was splitting myself further. I discovered my extreme side – surviving with a carefree life without worrying about money, career, family and not knowing what tomorrow may bring. I walked and roamed the whole day with no direction. My body was very weak, but my inner voice was getting stronger. I started to see certain signs, symbol, repeatedly. I chase after each sign, understood the messages and fully allow my inner self to guide me. I learned to trust my intuition and followed my heart. I run away to overseas and walked without a compass or navigation in the foreign lands. I didn’t have a hint of sight on my next destination, plus I had limited money and resources.

During this journey, I trust myself, be more mindful, be conscious and only living at the present moment in time, without future expectation and without past regrets. Slowly but surely the signs, messages, and ideas flew in like a wind. I added more and more ideas into Life Navi and YOU which initially only meant for Property Navigation but it became the ‘life guide’ . Life Navi and YOU is like reading your own storybook. Use it to master your own life and polish the diamond in you that will shine the world. Life Navi and YOU is your unique way to speed up your desired success.

Many Have Played And Discover Their Inner Voice 

The Life Navi and YOU Journey Since 2015...

2015 My baby was borned in Taiping
2015 Small white cards
2015 Bigger white cards
2016 1st artist illustration
2016 With Dr. Peter Yee
2016 2nd artist illustration
2016 Sacré-Cœur, Paris
2016 La Tour St Jacques, Paris
2016 Saint-Eustache, Paris
2016 Palace of Versaille
2016 Palace de Pope, Avignon
2016 Palace de Pope, Avignon
2016 Fontaine du Soleil, Nice
2016 Bodhgaya, India
2018 & 2019
Caryn 2018 and again 2019
2018 & 2019
2017 Finally Mock print
2017 Back in Notre Dame
2017 Notre Dame Christmas
2018 Treatment therapy Unity JOEY
2019 Cain & Abel, TWIN-SOULS
"您的思想是一个强大的东西。当你用积极的想法填补它时,你的生活将开始改变。当您的思维是积极的,您的行动自然而然的就是勇往直前,坚持到底,永不退缩!感谢所发生的一切,祝福所给予的机会,并继续得到优秀人才的支持,知道前进的每一步都是接近成功的一步!这一切都是因为"Life Navi And You “的诞生!The positive energy vibe is so strong that it helps you to stay on track! "

"Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with constructive thoughts, your life will begin to change. When your thinking is constructive, your actions are naturally moving forward, persevere without looking back ! Thanks for everything that had happened, bless for the opportunities given and continue to receive the support of outstanding talents, knowing that every step forward is a step closer to success! It's all because of the birth of "Life Navi And You"! The positive energy vibe is so strong that it helps you to stay on track!"
Poh Lin
一个女人真正的资本,不是美貌,也不是金钱,更不是学问,而是自带的,不会随着岁月变迁而消失的【精神长相】。 感谢 LifeNavi Caryn 导师,以她独特设计的方式,加上她用心扶导与细心分析把我内在的渴望和需求,马上让我的潜意识能量释放了出来!感恩有您 All I’m asking for is “LIBERATION” ❤️”

"The true wealth of a woman is not beauty, nor money, nor is it knowledge, but it is a self-sufficient [spiritual advancement] that does not disappear in years to come. Thanks to LifeNavi Caryn, her uniquely designed system, coupled with her inner guidance and mindful analysis, my inner desires and needs immediately released by my subconscious energy! Gratitude to you. All I’m asking for is “LIBERATION” ❤️"
Stephanie Lim Mun Kit
"開始時我不知道自己要問什麼,要知道些什麼!坐在卡前面,有種自然的軽微力量在觸動我的手朝向卡去拿取,當拿起了以後,會感覺很滿意,好像就是在告訴我,這就是你深心㡳處隱藏己久的秘密武器!你是知道的,但是並不覚得而已!由卡來給你做確認吧! 就這樣一步一步跟卡展開對話,其實就是跟自己的內在對話。很神奇很神奇!從這個卡的解讀可以讓我們更早的看到正實的自己,在追求的是什麼,也能夠幫助到我們以更快的速度達到目標! 謝謝 Caryn 老師和 Stephanie 讓我體會這神奇!"

"At the beginning, I didn't know what to ask, what do I want to know ! Sitting in front of the cards, there is a kind of natural force that moving my hand toward the card. When I pick it up, I will feel very satisfied. It seems that I am telling myself that this is the hidden secret weapon for ages. You are aware, but not consciously affirmed ! Let me affirmed by the cards ! In this way, the step by step dialogue with the card is actually a dialogue with myself. It's amazing! The interpretation from this card allows me to see my true self earlier, what we are pursuing and also to achieve our goals sooner ! Thank you, Caryn and Stephanie for this magical experience !"
Sammie Har
"很高兴认识您们,我想说的是很感恩我的一位好友让我有幸认识 Caryn导师和谢谢您们抽出了您们宝贵休息的时间来帮我找出我的大脑要告诉我的东西。。。 在开始时我是抱着好奇的心态,可是我连续三次拿到同样的那几张牌 。。。为何会这样??其实我的 inner little voice 有一直在告诉我,只是我忽略了它的生存!!在这天时地利人和的情况下,我应该要更加相信自己的直觉,把心打开,去把 groundwork 做好,走出舒适区,leverage 他人的力量和系统,be creative in any action taken…. 感恩所有的贵人相助和开导。。。我相信只要我能 follow the flow, 跟着自己的 ,一切都会美好的!!! 再次的谢谢 LifeNavi Caryn 和我的这位好友让我在次好好和我的大脑对话"

"I am glad to have know you all. I am indeed grateful to a close friend of mine who introduce Caryn and treasure she sacrifies her sleep late night to assist in discovery of my MIND and stories … I had a rather curious mind, but I repeatedly drawn the same cards. WHY? In fact, inner little voice has been talking to me and I ignore her existence!! What a meaningful coincidences – “Synchronicity”. I should trust my intuition and opened up my heart to do the necessary “groundwork”, then walked out from my comfort zone to “leverage” on others strength and system. Be creative in any action taken. I thank you for all the mentorship and guidance. I believe only if I follow the flow, follow my everything will be glorious."
Er Giau Wan
"我觉得很神奇,因为卡就好像是我的内心,我想要寻找的答案都一一显示在我抽出来的卡上。我越不想面对,同一张就一直出现在我面前,告诉我,我必须要面对,然后也告诉我,面对之后我将得到什么好处,真的是太神奇了 重要的是,这个卡的解读还满容易的,只要把所抽出来的卡连接,就是一个故事了。"

"I think it's amazing, because the card is like my heart and the answers I am looking for appeared one by one from the cards that I pulled. The more I denied, the same card and message has always appeared in front of me repeatedly, telling me to face it. And then tell me what benefits I will get after the face it. It is truly amazing. Upmost importance is the interpretation is very easy, as long as the card is line up in flow, that’s the story."
Pei Lun
"Thank you LifeNavi Caryn for reading the cards for me. I think the coincidence of getting the same card repeatedly is not merely coincidence. I believe my subconscious mind is trying to communicate with me through this card. I think I have gotten the message and it affirmed me my journey towards the ultimate direction in life that I'm heading. Once again thank you Caryn. I hope you have also found your way and heading towards the direction of your ultimate goal in life. — feeling blessed."
"[Communication]A simple word we know but can be very complicated and somehow we dun even know how to use it..... I don't know seen when there is a voice in my heart try to reach me, the (subconscious) inner me try to let me aware that all the while seen the very 1st day come to this world there is inner me exist, so thanks to ~ LifeNavi Caryn, Using unique techniques to let me aware and listen to be the real me."
Alfred Gan
"当大家都把这卡说得这么神奇 !所以 我抱着玩一玩的心态来试一试。刚开始我也不知道要问些什么 ,当我选卡的时候, 没想到我所选的 这些卡却把我的心里 隐藏了一些隐忧都全部显现出来了。 包括我想做的事 。这些都是一直卡着我前进的阻碍, 一针见血的把我的弱点 都一一都表达出来了。让我更加清晰自己现在应该做的事。所以 *这个礼拜你们都不要来找我! *。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。因为我要去做."

"Hear say Life Navi And YOU is magical !! So I am giving it a try. At the beginning, I didn't know what to ask. When I chose the card, I didn't expect the cards to show all the hidden secrets deep in my heart. Including what I wish to do. These are the obstacles that stop me from moving forward and revealed the weaknesses in me, making it crystal clear for my action plan now. So, excuse me this week ! Because I am going to ………………"
"一開始是抱著嘗試的心態來到這裡,還沒有輪到我的時候腦海裡一直在想著要問甚麼問題,問事業?問家庭還是問人生方向? 導師一開始先叫我放空,然後就開始順著自己的心去摸牌,導師按照摸了的牌給我訴說著我目前是處於甚麼狀態,應該怎樣去走才會比較順利。她的指點讓我一直以來猶豫著的問題以做出了決定。謝謝導師給我的啟發還有思考方向,讓我可以多解決一直不確定想不通的事。"

"I started with the look-see mentality to check things out . Before my turn, I was thinking of what questions to ask ?? My career, family or direction in life? The facilitator first told me to let go and clear up my mind, then began to follow the flow of my heart. The facilitator then explained the meaning and messages from the cards to reveal my current position in life and suggest ways for a smoother the journey. Her advice leads me out from my cocoon and hesitation. Thanks to the facilitator for the awakening thoughts, clearing my doubts and hesitations."
"Didn't have much expectation when I agreed to join the session. "I was going to have fun" that's what I thought. When I first draw the card, I was like, why she can read my "personality". When you think of it, seems creepy. hahaha.. but somehow it will bring you to a clearer vision when you have many thoughts running in your head. "
Jamie Lim

Purchase Life Navi and You Superconscious Mind Card Now.

Life Navi and YOU super conscious mind cards reveal the inner voice and strengthen your Giant within. 

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Warning: Life Navi and YOU is practical, efficient and easy to use. This is not Tarot cards. Life Navi And YOU is non religious, non-voodoo but only connect to the Giant Within !

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